Sunday, June 29, 2008


Simple utilities in javascript for checking user input number in the given numbers.
function ValidTextCheck()
var b ="3,5,7,9,10";
var temp = new Array();
temp = b.split(' ');
for(i=0;i < temp.length;i++)
var ss=document.getElementById('TextBox1').value;
var sta=temp[i].indexOf(ss);

This function will return -1 if the user input doesn't match with pre defined string format variable b.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

onPaste Event handler in JavaScript

This is an simple example for how to user onPaste events in html page
textarea cols=60 onpaste="window.alert('Pasting not allowed!)">

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Javascript validation-ASP.NET

function Murugesan()
var d=document.getElementById('TextBox1').value;
alert("cant be blank");
return false;
return true;

Place above source code on source code window between head tag.Here I simply check the TextBox,wheather it has value or blank.

On code behind file,
Register the control which has to be call this javascript.
Button1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return Murugesan()");

Thursday, June 12, 2008

webservice part 3

Now how do I use the service?

When Microsoft's Visual Studio.Net ships it will take care of discovering and importing web services for programmatic use, with effort on par with adding a reference in Visual Basic. In the meantime though, the .Net team has created a console application that takes care of requesting the SDL contract of remote web services and generating a proxy to use the service. In order to use a remote web service a few things need to happen.

First you need to know where the web service resides(ex Next you need to create a local proxy for the remote service. The proxy allows the developer to work with the remote service as though it were local to the machine. When instantiated, the proxy accepts method calls from your code as though it were the remote service object. Calls are packaged up into SOAP methods and shipped via HTTP to the remote web service. If everything goes correctly, the remote service receives the request, unwraps the envelope, does the work that you asked it to do, then returns the results in a result envelope. Once the proxy receives this returned envelope, it is unwrapped and delivered to your code as a native method call.

The Web Services Utility

The wsdl is a console application that is supplied in Microsoft's .Net SDK. The utility takes care of requesting a SDL contract from a remote web service via HTTP and generating a proxy class for you. Although the Web Services Utility uses C# as its default proxy generation language, any language (including VB and JScript) that implements the ICodeGenerator interface will work. For us to create a proxy class for accessing my web service we use the command below:

wsdl "http://localhost/services/TimeService.asmx" /out:TimeServiceProxy.cs

The /c: parameter informs the utility that I want it to create a proxy for me. The /pa: parameter is the path to the SDL contract; this can be a local path, UNC path or URI. when we run this command a .cs file will be generated. TimeServiceProxy.cs An instance of this object is what takes care of accepting method calls, packaging up calls for SOAP, invoking via HTTP and returning the results if any to the caller. Now that you have a proxy you need to compile it using the appropriate compiler depending on the language you chose. The following command assumes that the C# compiler (csc.exe) is in the system's path and that you are working in the directory where your web service's .asmx file resides.

On my system the TimeService.asmx file is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Services. Since we are working with C#, the command is (this should be on one line):

csc /out:bin\TimeServiceProxy.dll /t:library / /r:system.xml.serialization.dll TimeServiceProxy.cs

This command creates a DLL (library) named TimeServiceProxy.dll in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Services\bin directory importing the resources System.Web.Services.dll and System.xml.serialization.dll. Once we have the DLL in the bin directory of our ASP.NET application we access the methods of the remote web service as though they were running locally. But this remote web service is not limited to being used only by ASP.NET. Any .Net class can now access our time web service

TimeTest Application

To demonstrate that our time web service is usable by any .Net application, I have created a simple console application in C# that prints out the time from the remote service. This application is compiled into an executable (.exe) as opposed to a library (.dll): The TimeTestApp.exe first creates a new instance of our TimeService class that lives in the bin/TimeServiceProxy.dll assembly. Then a call is made to the GetTime method of the TimeService class (ts). The returned value is stored in a local variable named lt. The lt variable is of the type LocalTime. In case it isn't obvious, I want to point out that the LocalTime object that we are now using was originally defined in our remote .asmx file. The WebServiceUtil was able to create a local definition of the LocalTime struct based on the SDL contract that was generated and returned from the Web Service handler. Next in our code, we call GetTime and then begin to simply construct a couple of local strings that contain our formatted time and date. Then we write out the results using Console.WriteLine:

using System;
class MyClass
static void Main()
TimeService ts = new TimeService();
LocalTime lt = ts.GetTime();
string stime = lt.Hour + ":" + lt.Minute + ":" + lt.Seconds + "." +
lt.Milliseconds + " " + lt.Timezone;
string sdate = lt.Month + "/" + lt.Day + "/" + lt.Year;
Console.WriteLine("The remote date is: " + sdate);
Console.WriteLine("The remote time is: " + stime);

To compile the TimeTest application use the following command:

csc / /r:TimeServiceProxy.dll TimeTestApp.cs

This command will create an executable named TimeTestApp.exe in the local directory. We could have been explicit in telling the C# compiler that we wanted an executable, but the compiler creates executables (/target:exe) by default. Another item that should be noted is that although ASP.NET applications look in the bin directory within an ASP.NET application directory to resolve references, non-ASP.NET applications first look in the current directory and then in the system path to resolve assembly references.

Webservice Part 2

First Web Service

The code below is an actual working web service:

<%@ WebService Language="C#" class="GreetingService" %>
using System;
using System.Web.Services;
public class GreetingService
public string SayHello(string Person)
return "Hello, " + Person;

Returning Complex Types

Our greeting service is only returning a string. Strings as well as most numbers are considered simple types. Web services are not limited to these simple types for return values or inbound parameters. Our next web service will demonstrate how to return a complex type. For this we will create a web service that returns the date and time from the server. We could just return the date and time within a string type and force the caller to parse the string, but this wouldn't be ideal. Instead, we are going to create a LocalTime struct that will be returned to the caller. For those people that may be unfamiliar with structs, they are synonymous with VB's user-defined types (UDT). A walkthrough of the code shows us defining a LocalTime struct that will contain all of the date and time information to be returned to the client. Our LocalTime struct holds seven values; Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Seconds, Milliseconds, and Timezone. The struct's definition is below:

<%@ WebService Language="C#" class="TimeService" %>
using System;
using System.Web.Services;
public struct LocalTime
public int Day;
public int Month;
public int Year;
public int Hour;
public int Minute;
public int Seconds;
public int Milliseconds;
public string Timezone;
public class TimeService
public LocalTime GetTime()
LocalTime lt = new LocalTime();
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
lt.Day = dt.Day;
lt.Month = dt.Month;
lt.Year = dt.Year;
lt.Hour = dt.Hour;
lt.Minute = dt.Minute;
lt.Seconds = dt.Second;
lt.Milliseconds = dt.Millisecond;
lt.Timezone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.StandardName;
return lt;

Webservices in C#


A web service allows a site to expose programmatic functionality via the Internet. Web services can accept messages and optionally return replies to those messages.

More About Web Services

Today's sites already expose functionality that allows you to do things such as query a database, book an airline reservation, check the status of an order, etc, but there is no consistent model for allowing you to program against these sites. Web Services can be invoked via HTTP-POST, HTTP-GET and the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP is a remote procedure call protocol and specification developed by a group of companies including Microsoft and DevelopMentor. SOAP is based on broadly adopted Internet standards such as XML and typically runs over HTTP

For more information on SOAP please see the SOAP specification on MSDN. Visual Studio.NET will be the formal shipping vehicle for creating rich web services on the .Net platform. With the release of Visual Studio.NET( you will be able to create web services using ASP.NET and any language that targets the common-language runtime (CLR) or ATL Server and unmanaged C++. ATL Server is a collection of ATL (Active Template Library) classes that aid the C++ developer in writing native, unmanaged ISAPI extensions and filters.

Modules and Handlers

Instead of the .aspx file extension of an ASP.NET Web page, web services are saved in files with the extension of .asmx. Whenever the ASP.NET runtime receives a request for a file with an .asmx extension, the runtime dispatches the call to the web service handler. This mapping is established in the section of the config.web files for the machine and individual applications. Config.web files are human-readable, XML files that are used to configure almost every aspect of your web applications.

Handlers are instances of classes that implement the System.Web.IHTTPHandler interface. The IHTTPHandler interface defines two methods, IsReusable and ProcessRequest. The IsReusable method allows an instance of IHTTPHandler to indicate whether it can be recycled and used for another request. The ProcessRequest method takes an HttpContext object as a parameter and is where the developer of a HTTP handler begins to do his work. A particular handler ultimately services inbound requests that are received by the ASP.NET runtime. After a handler is developed, it is configured in the config.web file of the application. A typical config.web file for a machine will have lines similar to the ones below:

< add verb="*" path="*.asmx" type="System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandlerFactory, System.Web.Services" validate="false" />

section states that for all requests (HTTP verbs such as GET, POST, PUT), if the file being requested has the extension of .asmx, create an instance of the WebServiceHandlerFactory, which lives in the System.Web.Services.dll assembly. If the administrator wanted this handler to only accept the GET verb, he would change the verb property to verb="Get".

Handlers accept requests and produce a response. When the HTTP runtime sees a request for a file with the extension of .aspx the handler that is registered to handle .aspx files is called. In the case of the default ASP.NET installation this handler will be System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory. This is the same way in which .asmx files are handled. For the default ASP.NET installation, web services are handled by System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandlerFactory.

With this custom handler, ASP.NET is able to use reflection and dynamically create an HTML page describing the service's capabilities and methods. The generated HTML page also provides the user with a way in which to test the web methods within the service. Another advantage of ASP.NET is in publishing Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) contracts.

WSDL is an XML-based grammar for describing the capabilities of web services. WSDL allows a web service to be queried by potential consumers of your service - you can think of it as an XML-based type library made available via the web. For output to be generated, one must only make a HTTP request to the web service file passing in sdl in the querystring

SDL is an XML-based grammar for describing the capabilities of web services. SDL allows a web service to be queried by potential consumers of your service-you can think of it as an XML-based type-library made available via the web. For output to be generated, one must only make a HTTP request to the web service file passing in sdl in the querystring

(e.g. http://locahost/services/myservice.asmx ). Another nice aspect of the web service handler is that it creates a simple test web page for your services. This test page allows you to confirm that everything is working with your web service without having to write your own test client.

Continued on Webservice-Part 2

Friday, June 06, 2008

Javascript Validation - ASP.NET

This simple explanation will help you to implement more and pop up logics to work out.

Go to design page of your page and place the script tag between head tag.

I wanted to check my text box had value or not.
I name it txtAmount and then validation starts here,

function CheckValues()
alert("You forgot to mention your deposit amount!");

return false;
return true;

Now I completed the Validation part,Now I need to register this validation accepted by the server,so go to Code behind file

Add this line on OnClick Events of the Button

Button1.attributes.Add("OnClick","return CheckValues()");

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Excel reading in C#

using System;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;

using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;

public partial class ExcelReader : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strConn;
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source=F://MuruAjax/Book1.xls;" +
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";
OleDbConnection oc = new OleDbConnection(strConn);
//You must use the $ after the object you reference in the spreadsheet
OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", oc);

DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
myCommand.Fill(myDataSet, "ExcelInfo");
GridView1.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables["ExcelInfo"].DefaultView;

protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application ObjExcel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook ObjWorkBook;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ObjWorkSheet;
ObjExcel.DisplayAlerts = false;
ObjExcel.Visible = false;

ObjWorkBook = ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open(@"F:\MuruAjax\kotak.xls", false, true,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

ObjWorkSheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)ObjWorkBook.Sheets[2];

ObjWorkSheet = null;
ObjWorkBook.Close(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAction.xlDoNotSaveChanges, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
ObjExcel = null;


Monday, June 02, 2008

WebService in C#

Writing a Web Service in .NET using VS .NET very is easy. However, it is possible to write Web Services using the plain .NET SDK. I struggled a lot to write Web Services without VS .NET and tried to find help on the Net. There are a lot of examples available for writing Web Services using VS.NET, but you will rarely find any examples of writing Web Services using only the .NET SDK. This article is exactly for this purpose. It looks at Web Services development using the .NET SDK alone.

We will write and publish a simple web Service. We will also write two Web Service consumers: one Web-based consumer (ASP.NET application) and another Windows application-based consumer. Let's start writing our first Web Service.

Writing a Web Service
Following is our first Web Service; it exposes two methods (Add and SayHello) as Web Services to be used by applications. This is a standard template for a Web Service. .NET Web Services use the .asmx extension. Note that a method exposed as a Web Service has the WebMethod attribute. Save this file as FirstService.asmx in the IIS virtual directory (as explained in configuring IIS; for example, c:\MyWebSerces).

<%@ WebService language="C" class="FirstService" %>

using System;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

public class FirstService : WebService
public int Add(int a, int b)
return a + b;

public String SayHello()
return "Hello World";
To test a Web Service, it must be published. A Web Service can be published either on an intranet or the Internet. We will publish this Web Service on IIS running on a local machine. Let's start with configuring the IIS.

Open Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative tools->Internet Services Manager.
Expand and right-click on [Default Web Site]; select New ->Virtual Directory.
The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard opens. Click Next.
The "Virtual Directory Alias" screen opens. Type the virtual directory name—for example, MyWebServices—and click Next.
The "Web Site Content Directory" screen opens. Here, enter the directory path name for the virtual directory—for example, c:\MyWebServices—and click Next.
The "Access Permission" screen opens. Change the settings as per your requirements. Let's keep the default settings for this exercise. Click the Next button. It completes the IIS configuration. Click Finish to complete the configuration.
To test that IIS has been configured properly, copy an HTML file (for example, x.html) in the virtual directory (C:\MyWebServices) created above. Now, open Internet Explorer and type http://localhost/MyWebServices/x.html. It should open the x.html file. If it does not work, try replacing localhost with the IP address of your machine. If it still does not work, check whether IIS is running; you may need to reconfigure IIS and Virtual Directory.

To test our Web Service, copy FirstService.asmx in the IIS virtual directory created above (C:\MyWebServices). Open the Web Service in Internet Explorer (http://localhost/MyWebServices/FirstService.asmx). It should open your Web Service page. The page should have links to two methods exposed as Web Services by our application. Congratulations; you have written your first Web Service!!!

Testing the Web Service
As we have just seen, writing Web Services is easy in the .NET Framework. Writing Web Service consumers is also easy in the .NET framework; however, it is a bit more involved. As said earlier, we will write two types of service consumers, one Web- and another Windows application-based consumer. Let's write our first Web Service consumer.

Web-Based Service Consumer
Write a Web-based consumer as given below. Call it WebApp.aspx. Note that it is an ASP.NET application. Save this in the virtual directory of the Web Service (c:\MyWebServices\WebApp.axpx).

This application has two text fields that are used to get numbers from the user to be added. It has one button, Execute, that, when clicked, gets the Add and SayHello Web Services.

HERE create simple asp net page with two textboxes to get the value from the user and a button to execute or call the WebService

After the consumer is created, we need to create a proxy for the Web Service to be consumed. This work is done automatically by Visual Studio .NET for us when referencing a Web Service that has been added. Here are the steps to be followed:
Create a proxy for the Web Service to be consumed. The proxy is created using the wsdl utility supplied with the .NET SDK. This utility extracts information from the Web Service and creates a proxy. Thus, the proxy created is valid only for a particular Web Service. If you need to consume other Web Services, you need to create a proxy for this service as well. VS .NET creates a proxy automatically for you when the reference for the Web Service is added. Create a proxy for the Web Service using the wsdl utility supplied with the .NET SDK. It will create FirstSevice.cs in the current directory. We need to compile it to create FirstService.dll (proxy) for the Web Service.
c:> WSDL http://localhost/MyWebServices/
c:> csc /t:library FirstService.cs
Put the compiled proxy in the bin directory of the virtual directory of the Web Service (c:\MyWebServices\bin). IIS looks for the proxy in this directory.
Create the service consumer, which we have already done. Note that I have instantiated an object of the Web Service proxy in the consumer. This proxy takes care of interacting with the service.
Type the URL of the consumer in IE to test it (for example, http://localhost/MyWebServices/WebApp.aspx).

Sunday, June 01, 2008

GridView Row Delete

How do retrieve the DataKey value from the Gridview ?
Please ensure your Gridview had DataKeyName properites setting.
OnRowCommand[ I set DeleMe method] event of the Gridview assign your method name.
This method takes Object and GridViewRowCommand as parameter to perform the task.
Example,If you want to delete a selected row from the Gridview,add the Linkbutton and text the "Remove" and its CommandName must be non than "Delete" and its CommandArgument,you can assign the primary key column value as <%#Eval("ecode")%>.
This LinkButton should be resides under Gridview's TemplateField and ItemTemplate.

My code goes like this..
protected void DeleMe(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs g)
if (g.CommandName == "Remove")
string ecode = g.CommandArgument.ToString();

